Tatiana’s Cute doughnut shop

This is my very Cute Doughnut Shop! First I built the outside then the inside.
Next I furnished the inside. Lastly I put some food and coal in the shulker boxes, put up some signs and built a doughnut on top of my shop.


  1. jsnook@wigramprimary.school.nzAugust 30, 2021 at 9:50 PM

    Hi Tatiana.
    Wow I love you Cute Doughnut Shop. You have made a great job.
    I really like the colours you have used and the fact that you added extra detail into your shop.
    Keep up the great work.
    Mrs Snook.

  2. That is a very cute Doughnut shop Tatiana. I really like how you have themed the shop - all being pink, makes me think of doughnuts. Well done
    Mr G

  3. Hi Tatiana
    Gosh you are very good at using Minecraft, you might have to give me some tips when we are all back at school. I love the colours you have used, it really makes it look like a donut shop. What flavours of donuts are you selling today?
    From Petra

  4. Wow Tatiana, this looks amazing! I think I am going to have to learn how to use Minecraft, it looks like you can do lots of things with it. I love the colours you have used and the inside of your bakery looks perfect. Great job!
    Mrs T

  5. HI Tatiana,
    Perfect Pink Donuts from the Cute Donut Shop - I think you're onto a winner there indeed. Who can resist a pink iced donut when they are presented so well in the shop . . . certainly not me!
    I'm super impressed with your Minecraft skills Tatiana - tino pai!
    Have a great afternoon.
    Mr W.

  6. Hi Tatiana :D good JOB on your pink donut shop it looks so GOOD ���������������������������� how much time did you take????

  7. hi Tatiana good job on your Cute donut shop! how much time did you use?


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